CaseComplete 2016 Release History

Build 11.0.6220 Released 11-Jan-2017

  • Resolved: Error could happen when creating a vision document on a new project.

Importance: Recommended

Build 11.0.6208 Released 30-Dec-2016

  • New: Added support to produce Requirements to Referenced Stories Excel Matrix reports.
  • Resolved: Don't include time when formatting DateTime in reports.

Importance: Optional

Build 11.0.6200 Released 22-Dec-2016

  • New: Added support to produce Story to Referenced Requirements and Actor to Referenced Requirements Excel Matrix reports.
  • Resolved: Don't abort copying or duplicating diagrams during a save as or duplicating if a diagram is missing. Instead show warning for missing diagram files.
  • Resolved: Refresh the version control icon after checking out a related doc via double click in the supplemental tab.
  • Resolved: After a new related doc was created, the element listview filtered it out.

Importance: Optional

Build 11.0.6124 Released 10-Oct-2016

  • New: Consider time when sorting list view date/time columns.
  • New: List view keyboard shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+D switches to Details View.
  • New: List view keyboard shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+Q switches to Quick Entry View.
  • Resolved: Open issues may disappear from list view after editing.

Importance: Optional

Build 11.0.6078 Released 22-Aug-2016

  • Resolved: Can't change a Story to an Epic when uploading to JIRA.
  • Resolved: CaseComplete hangs when a file that is not part of the loaded project changes.
  • Resolved: Element with trailing space in name causes bring up to date message when opening diagram.
  • New: Can now show child use cases/child stories as referenced use cases/stories in a custom Excel matrix report.

Importance: Optional

Build 11.0.6044 Released 19-Jul-2016

  • Resolved: Child requirements not shown in Matrix - Requirements and References Requirements Excel report.
  • Resolved: Editor changes could be lost when making additional changes via property grid.
  • Resolved: End of step extension not detected when whitespace present at end of step.
  • New: Escape key will now exit edit mode on a diagram shape.

Importance: Optional

Build 11.0.6012 Released 17-Jun-2016

  • Resolved: Procedures and expected results for first extension step always bolded in Test Cases Word report.
  • Resolved: Autocomplete stops working under certain circumstances.
  • Resolved: Can't bring up details form for unnamed items.

Importance: Optional

Build 11.0.5974 Released 10-May-2016

  • New: Better support for uploading to JIRA required fields.
  • New: Generate JIRA issue links for ID links and name references (not just explicit references).
  • New: If Acceptance Criteria is defined as a custom field for Stories in JIRA, use it instead of appending to the description.
  • New: Added Raygun exception reporting.
  • Resolved: Can't upload to JIRA Epics on some systems.
  • Resolved: JIRA issue links not generated on some systems, and no warning given.
  • Resolved: Can't upload to JIRA fields that have accepted values defined on some systems.

Importance: Recommended

Build 11.0.5953 Released 19-Apr-2016

  • Resolved: Users could receive unnecessary prompts to reload files that were modified outside of CaseComplete.
  • Resolved: (Shared projects only) A read-only file could be modified during Renumber IDs resulting in an error during save.
  • New: Added ReferencedDiagrams keyword that lists referenced diagrams for items other than test steps and flow of events.

Importance: Recommended

Build 11.0.5946 Released 12-Apr-2016

  • Initial CaseComplete 2016 release.

Importance: Recommended