CaseComplete Professional Release History

Build 13.0.6961 Released 22-Jan-2019

  • New: Re-enabled remote error reporting.

Importance: Optional

Build 13.0.6891 Released 13-Nov-2018

  • This update deals with changes to Jira Cloud. If you don't upload to Jira or you use Jira Server you can skip this update.
  • New: In December 2018, Jira will require you to use an API token instead of your password (Jira Cloud only). This update guides you through the process of obtaining an API token.
  • If you choose not to update CaseComplete before December, you still can upload to Jira Cloud by entering your API token into the password field.
  • New: Jira is introducing breaking changes to their API starting in February 2019. You must update CaseComplete before then to continue uploading to Jira Cloud.
  • New: Handle incorrect Jira server names more robustly.
  • New: Show friendlier message when user doesn't have permission to create issues in the selected project.

Importance: Important

Build 13.0.6862 Released 15-Oct-2018

  • Resolved: Some definitions get marked as modified even when nothing changed.
  • Resolved: Definition dialog doesn't show new terms/actors as hyperlinks in existing text.
  • New: The dialog to edit multi-line custom fields remembers its size and position.

Importance: Optional

Build 13.0.6855 Released 8-Oct-2018

  • New: Quick Entry View lists are now automatically sorted alphbetically.

Importance: Optional

Build 13.0.6841 Released 24-Sep-2018

  • New: (Shared projects only) Version control using TFS no longer requires MSSCCI provider.

Importance: Optional

Build 13.0.6696 Released 2-May-2018

  • Resolved: When new actors and definitions are added, they aren't shown as hyperlinks in existing text.
  • Resolved: Remove compatibility mode for 3 report templates.

Importance: Recommended

Build 13.0.6683 Released 19-Apr-2018

  • Initial CaseComplete Professional release.

Importance: Recommended